The Social Development Committee (SDC) XI convened for its 1st Quarter of CY 2022 meeting on February 21, 2022 at 9:00AM-4:00PM via Zoom Platform. 32 out of 42 (76%) of the members were present.
The meeting was presided by the SDC XI Chairperson, Dr. Anabelle P. Yumang, Regional Director of the Department of Health (DOH) XI. It started with the SDC XI Secretariat’s presentation of the committee’s accomplishments in 2021, members’ attendance report, followed by the consolidated results of the Client Survey Feedback which highlighted the commendations, as well as the areas for improvement in the conduct of the meeting, as raised by the members.
For the committee’s business agenda, the body was apprised of the region’s COVID-19 situationer, COVID-19 vaccination/booster updates, and highlights of the 2018 ENNS Monograph Series on food, health and nutrition situation in Davao Occidental Province and Davao City. Meanwhile, the collaboration of University of the Philippines Mindanao’s Applied Modelling, Data Analytics, and Bioinformatics for Decision Support System (AMDABiDSS)-Health and the DOH Epidemiology Bureau, and the Regional Development Council (RDC) VII’s Resolution No. 55, s. 2021 – “Proposed Inclusion of Lung Cancer in the Z Benefits Package of PHIC” and RDC VII Resolution No. 56, s. 2021 – “Standardization of Benefits/Incentives for Community Health Workers/Volunteers,” were approved for endorsement to RDC XI.
Matters discussed related to education were the updates on the implementation of the flexible learning system in Davao Region and interim guidelines in the implementation of face-to-face classes, and the proposed priority courses for Higher Education Institutions in Davao Region based on the Region’s needs, which were also approved for endorsement to RDC XI. The results of the collaborative Senior High School Tracer Study of the Davao Association of Catholic Schools, Department of Education XI and Commission of Higher Education XI, on the other hand, was also presented to solicit comments from the SDC XI members prior to finalization of the study’s conclusion and recommendations.
The performance of the Davao Region across all social sectors was also discussed through the Regional Development Report of the Social Sector for CY 2021 where 81% or 136 total indicators of the Davao Regional Development Plan Results Matrices reached its targets out of the 167 indicators reported. Below targets was only 36 percent for CY 2021.
Further, representatives from DOH XI, DSWD XI, DepEd XI, DOST XI, CPD XI, and DOLE XI reported updates on their implementation of the devolved functions pursuant to Executive Order 138, series of 2021.