The Regional Land Use Committee (RLUC) XI convened for its 1st quarter CY 2022 meeting on February 21, 2022 via Zoom, which was presided by the National Economic and Development Authority (NEDA) Region XI Director and RLUC XI Chairperson Maria Lourdes D. Lim.

DENR XI Representative, Engr. Isidro P. Guarra of the Survey and Mapping Division presented the updates on the created Technical Working Group (TWG), based on the RDC XI resolution 147 and 148, s.2021. This TWG, headed by DENR XI, and composed of NCIP XI, DAR XI, and LRA shall develop and prepare a common control map of Davao Region. The TWG, is composed of members coming from DENR XI Conservation and Development Division, Survey and Mapping Division, and Enforcement Division. DAR XI, NCIP XI and LRA signified their support and submitted the names of their representatives of the TWG. Similarly, this TWG will also handle the revisiting of the Joint Administrative Order No. 1, s. 2012, and other related issuances.
On February 15, 2022 the TWG conducted a levelling off meeting wherein, they have agreed on the data needs to be projected on the regional composite map. DENR XI will cover the areas under CLOA and other projects, DAR will provide other projects, and NCIP XI to cover areas in CADT, projects, and reflect legislative and protected areas in drawing or shapefiles. The consolidation and preparation of the one control map will be done by DENR XI in coordination with the TWG members. The target completion of the consolidated map is on March 2022 and to be presented to the RLUC XI on its 2nd quarter meeting.
–Anna Rosalie G. Arsa, NEDA XI