The ex-officio or the Government Sector Members of the Regional Development Council (RDC) XI decided on the basic and business sectors that will be represented in the RDC XI, for the term 2022-2025 during the Council’s Second Quarter Meeting on June 21, 2022 at the SMX Convention Center, Lanang, Davao City. The meeting was presided over by RDC XI Chairperson and Davao de Oro Governor Jayvee Tyron Uy.

(From left to right: RDC XI Secretary ARD Gilberto A. Altura, RDC XI Vice-Chairperson RD Maria Lourdes D. Lim, RDC XI Chairperson Gov. Jayvee Tyron L. Uy and RDC XI Co-Chairperson Valente D. Turtur)
RDC XI Secretary and NEDA XI Assistant Regional Director Gilberto Altura presented the proposed allocation of RDC XI PSR for the Council’s next term. ARD Altura mentioned that Executive Order No. 325, s. 1996, which reorganized the RDCs in the country, provides that the ex-officio members of the RDC are given the mandate to identify and allocate the PSR slots for each term of the Council.
EO 325, s. 1996 further provides that the RDC PSRs should comprise twenty-five percent of the fully constituted Council or equivalent to fourteen PSR slots in RDC XI. Seventy-five percent of the total council membership comes from the government sector. Thus, fourteen PSR slots were allotted for private sector organizations (PSOs) coming from the priority basic sectors identified by the Council’s ex-officio members which are deemed necessary to be represented in the Council and business sectors considered as drivers of Davao Region’s economy.
Under the basic sectors, the approved PSR slots for the incoming RDC XI Term, 2022-2025 include the following: Labor; Indigenous Peoples; Environment and Natural Resources; Fisherfolk; PWD/Senior Citizens; Youth/Women/Children; and Urban Poor/Consumers Group. For the business sectors, Mining; Farmers/Agribusiness; Housing/Construction; Energy/Information Communications Technology; Academe; Safety, Security, and Disaster Resiliency; and Tourism and Hospitality would have Council representation in the same period.
The RDC XI PSR slots are divided equally for the basic and the business sectors at seven slots each. The selection of the RDX PSR shall be facilitated by the RDC XI Secretariat on July 20, 2022.