During its 2nd Quarter 2021 RDC XI meeting, the Council approved the selection of Mr. Jovencio S. Ocumen, Chairman of the Davao City Homesite and Housing Multipurpose Cooperative, as the new Private Sector Representative (PSR) for the Urban Poor Sector/ NGOs/Consumer Groups. Mr. Ocumen will serve the remainder of the term, 2019-2022 until 30 June 2022. Mr. Ocumen took his oath as member of RDC XI which was administered by RDC XI Chairperson and Davao de Oro Governor Jayvee Tyron L. Uy.
Moreover, the 2021 RDC-PSRs’ National Convention highlights were presented by RDC XI PSR for Labor Sector Daryl R. Alegarbes. The virtual event was hosted by the Caraga RDC on April 28 and 29, 2021.
Among the significant recommendations arising from the 2021 RDC-PSRs NatCon which the Council acted upon were: (a) RDC-PSRs’ request for inclusion in Regional Task Force (RTF) and Regional Inter-Agency Task Force (RIATF) on COVID-19 meetings, (b) the inclusion of construction workers among the priority groups for COVID-19 vaccination, (c) the proposed imposition of price ceilings for certain primary construction materials during the pandemic by DTI, (d) the LGUs’ implementation of granular lockdown, instead of City- or Province-wide ECQ/MECQ and curfew measures in their management of the local COVID-19 situation, and (e) the inclusion of affected workers in the formal sector in DOLE’s livelihood and emergency employment programs.
-Apple D. Pascual, NEDA XI