Davao City, December 5, 2024 – The Regional Development Council (RDC) XI convened for its final quarterly meeting in 2024 at the Sotogrande Hotel, Diversion Road, Talomo, Davao City. The meeting was presided by RDC XI Co-Chairperson Mr. Arturo Milan.
Among the matters approved by the Council was the Davao Regional Physical Framework Plan (DRPFP), 2025-2055.
The Davao Regional Physical Framework Plan (DRPFP), 2025-2055 is a 30-year physical framework plan that provides the overall spatial direction for Davao Region and is anchored on the National Physical Framework Plan (NPFP), which guides the public sector policy and decision makers in bringing about efficient settlement, production and service delivery systems for sustainable land use and disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation. The Plan serves as the primary spatial and physical planning guide of the Region showcasing its resources; identifying the challenges; formulating strategies and proposed programs, projects and activities; laying out the medium- and long-term spatial strategies; and the mechanism in its implementation and monitoring.
As a spatial development plan, it adheres to the guiding principles of agglomeration, connectivity and vulnerability reduction as espoused in the National Spatial Strategy. Agglomeration focuses on building efficiencies, making centers work better and maximizing the benefits of scale economies. Connectivity focuses on building infrastructure to connect settlements; establish efficient transport networks; and Increase investments in physical and digital connectivity.
Through the DRPFP, 2025-2055, Davao Region will continue to expand Metropolitan Davao into a Growth Triangle focusing on its emerging growth areas. In terms of its long-term spatial strategy, the Region shall evolve into a “Growth Diamond”, delineating the Region into development zones that shall ensure sustainable progress.
The formulation of the said Plan was done through a series of activities from the conduct of modular trainings up to the participation in various technical working group Regional Land Use Committee XI-Technical Working Group (RLUC XI-TWG) meetings. Inputs leading to the completion of this document were provided by the different RLUC XI-TWG members composed of various national government agencies, provincial LGUs, and the private sector.