From left to right: Mr. Ivan Cortez, representing Davao City Mayor Sebastian Duterte, Island Garden City of Samal Mayor Al David Uy, Mr. Wilfrido Villarica representing Cong. Paolo Duterte of the 1st district of Davao City, Cong. Isidro Ungab, RDC XI Chairperson and Davao Oriental Governor Niño Sotero Uy, Jr., RDC XI Vice-Chairperson and NEDA XI Regional Director Priscilla R. Sonido, CESO III, and Acting RDC XI Secretary Rosendo Aya-ay


The Regional Development Council (RDC) XI Full Council Members and the Advisory Committee Members push for the inclusion of the FY 2025 RDC XI-endorsed budget proposals of Davao Region line agencies, government-owned and controlled corporations, and state universities and colleges in Davao Region in the FY 2025 General Appropriations Act (GAA) during the Joint RDC XI Full Council and Advisory Committee Meeting on June 10, 2024, at the Arcadia Active Lifestyle Center, Matina, Davao City.

In his opening message, RDC XI Chairperson and Davao Oriental Governor Niño Sotero Uy, Jr. said that with the budget hearings soon starting in Congress, it is deemed important for the Council to conduct discussions with the key partners in the House of Representatives and the Senate, so that they can help lobby for Davao Region’s rightful share in the national budget for CY 2025, following the priority programs and projects that were vetted in the RDC XI. He also encouraged the Council to leverage the prominence of the RDCs under the current Administration to push for a more equitable and judicious use and distribution of the annual national budget, all geared towards inclusive and sustainable regional development.

Among the substantive matters tackled during the said meeting were the endorsement of an increase in the budget for the expansion of Mati City Airport, addressing the issues of the power situation in Davao Region by facilitating a dialogue with the key stakeholders in the electric power and energy sector, enjoining the Department of Budget and Management to facilitate the release of funds for the Davao Public Transport and Modernization Project for FY 2024 and the inclusion of its FY 2025 budgetary requirement in the FY 2025 GAA, and the RDC XI Sectoral/Special Committee matters.


Cong. Isidro Ungab, 2nd from left with the RDC XI Chairperson Governor Niño Sotero Uy, Jr.

A total of forty-five resolutions were passed during the joint meeting, which emanated from the main business agenda (four), Economic Development Committee XI (four), Infrastructure Development Committee XI (six), Development and Administration Committee XI (three), Social Development Committee XI (five), Regional Project Monitoring Committee XI (four), Regional Land Use Committee XI (one), Regional Research, Development, and Innovation Committee XI (seven), Regional Gender and Development Committee XI (six), and Regional Statistics Committee XI (five).

The RDC XI Full Council and AdCom members during its Joint Meeting

Attendees of the meeting included Atty. Cid Benedict D. Pabalan, Office of the Special Assistant to the President (OSAP) Consultant for Region XI, Davao Region Congresspersons, namely: Congressman Isidro Ungab of the 3rd District of Davao City, Mr. Mayo Almario, Mr. Wilfrido Villarica, Ms. Mary Ann Cheng, Atty. Michael Pert Gonzaga, and Atty. Uriel Pabalan, representing Cong. Cheeno Miguel Almario of the 2nd district of Davao Oriental, Cong. Paolo Duterte of the 1st district of Davao City, Cong. Alan Dujali of the 2nd district of Davao del Norte, Cong. Ruwel Peter Gonzaga of the 2nd district of Davao de Oro, and Cong. Claude Bautista of the lone district of Davao Occidental, respectively. Also present during the meeting were: Ms. Marielle Mendoza, representing the Office of Senator Christopher Lawrence Go, Atty. Jay Ugay from the Office of the Presidential Assistant for Eastern Mindanao/Cabinet Officer for Regional Development and Security (CORDS) – Region XI/Mindanao Development Authority (MinDA), Mati City Mayor Michelle Marie Denise Rabat, Island Garden City of Samal Mayor Al David Uy, the Presidents of the Leagues of Municipalities Mayor Jason John Joyce of Jose Abad Santos and Mayor Ronie Osnan of Caraga, representatives of various provincial and local government units, heads and representatives of various regional line agencies in Davao Region, and the RDC XI Private Sector Representatives.