NEDA XI Regional Director Maria Lourdes D. Lim presented the Davao Region socioeconomic performance in 2023, and the Region’s development prospects for 2024 in a year-starter press conference hosted by the NEDA XI on January 31, 2024, at the NEDA XI Conference Hall, Davao City.

(From left to right) DOLE XI ARD Atty. Jason P. Balais, DA XI RD Abel James I. Monteagudo, NEDA XI RD Maria Lourdes D. Lim, PSA XI Supervising Statistical Specialist Ms. Lea C. Magracia, PRO XI PMajor Catherine V. Dela Rey, AFP 10th ID Major Mark Anthony Tito, and PIA XI Provincial Information Center Manager Rudolph Ian G. Alama
“While 2022 was a year for recovery, 2023 was a year of full economic rebound for Davao Region, propelled by strong consumer spending and demand, high employment, and manageable inflation,” said Director Lim.