The Economic Development Committee (EDC) of the Regional Development Council (RDC) XI convened for its 4th quarter regular meeting for CY 2020 via Zoom on November 24, 2020. Among the matters deliberated by the Committee was the CY 2022 Annual Investment Program (AIP) for the Economic and Environmental Sectors in Davao Region.

The CY 2022 AIP is the annual component of the Davao Regional Development Investment Program (RDIP) 2017-2022 Midterm Update containing the list of priority programs, activities and projects (PAPs) of Agency Regional Offices (AROs), state universities and colleges (SUCs), and government-owned and controlled corporations (GOCCs) to support the achievement of the objectives and targets of the Davao Regional Development Plan (DRDP), 2017-2022 Midterm Update and to serve as basis in the preparation and review of FY 2022 Budget Proposals.

Moreover, the CY 2022 AIP contains specific PAPs in realizing the Region’s priority development thrusts as laid down in the DRDP, 2017-2022 Midterm Update and its Result Matrices. These PAPs ensure the actualization of the DRDP and the RMs under the economic and environment sectors.

The Region’s priorities for the economic and environment sectors are contained in the four chapters of the RDIP, to wit: Chapter 8 – Expanding Economic Opportunities in Agriculture, Fishery and Forestry sector; Chapter 9 – Expanding Economic Opportunities in Industry and Services; Chapter 14 – Vigorously Advancing Science and Technology and Innovation; and Chapter 20 – Ensuring Ecological Integrity, Clean and Healthy Environment. The RDIP may be accessed at NEDA XI website at

The total amount programmed for the CY 2022 AIP for Davao Region under the economic and environmental sectors is PHP 24.528 billion, with Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries getting the lion’s share at PHP 18.313 billion, followed by the Environment sector at PHP 4.133 billion, Industry and Services at PHP 1.4 billion and Science and Technology at PHP 681 million.

The CY 2022 AIP includes among the list of major PAPs to be implemented, the construction of farm-to-market roads in the provinces of Region XI; establishment of regional cultural hubs and food technology centers; creation of biological control laboratory facilities, installation of solar-powered fertigation facilities; small enterprise technology upgrading program (SETUP); and waste to energy project.

These PAPs are responsive to and consistent with the priorities of the National Government and the Local Government Units (LGUs).