(Davao City) – The Social Development Committee Sub-committee on Migration and Development (SDC-SCMD) convened for its 1st Semester Meeting for CY 2023 on 25 May 2023 at the NEDA-RDC XI Center, Davao City. This meeting serves as the SDC-SCMD’s first meeting under the new plan period, 2023-2028. Among the major items discussed by the Committee was the mainstreaming of Migration and Development (M&D) in the new Davao Regional Development Plan (DRDP) for the period of 2023 to 2028. Strategies and indicators directly related to M&D are highlighted in Chapters 5 (“Increase Income-Earning Ability), 6.2 (Strengthen Social Protection”), and 12 (“Promote Financial Inclusion and Improve Public Financial Management”) of the DRDP, 2023-2028.

Strategies included in the DRDP, 2023-2028 for OFs (Overseas Filipinos) include: strengthening the capabilities of Public Employment Service Offices (PESOs) to provide complete information and facilitate integration of returning OFs; intensify social protection programs for OFs and their families; and, expanding access to digital finance, amongst others. Moreover, the digitalization of the M&D sub-sector for data gathering and generation was stressed by the members of the SDC-SCMD. The perks of digitalization in M&D programs shall generally improve OF’s access to livelihood, employment, and other economic opportunities.
Also discussed during the meeting was the International Organization for Migration (IOM) -Philippine Migration Governance Indicators (MGIs), presented by Atty. Persis Niña Mula-Enriquez of the Department of Migrant Workers. The Philippine MGIs consist of around 90 indicators grouped under the six different dimensions of migration governance that draw upon the Migration Governance Framework categories. The formulation and monitoring of the Philippine MGIs is a direct response to Target 10.7 of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which aims to facilitate an “orderly, safe, regular and responsible migration and mobility of people, including thorough implementation of planned and well-managed migration policies”.
Ms. Mary Deemple Ariate of the NEDA Regional Office IV-A presented the Guide in Generating Local Migration Data. The said Guide is based on the insights and lessons learned from the “SUMMID CALABARZON” project, which aimed to strengthen, upscale and mainstream migration and development in the local level through inclusive and sustainable programs that will minimize social cost and maximize gains of overseas migration. Moreover, it shall allow development partners in the M&D sub-sector to collect and process data for evidence-based interventions and promote M&D integration in various local development plans such as the Provincial Development & Physical Framework Plan, Cities/Municipalities Comprehensive Development Plan, and Local Development & Investment Program.
Other matters discussed by the SCMD XI were the Committee’s 2022 Accomplishment Report and 2023 Agenda Forecast, the DRDP, 2017-2022 Chapter 21 Results Matrices Progress Report, and the review of the Registry of Barangay Inhabitants and Migrants (RBIM) vis-à-vis the Community-Based Monitoring System (CBMS).
Laurence Gido, NEDA XI